You can be an integral part of this year’s In-Theatre Festival. Without the committed help of many film-loving volunteers, there would be no festival. Your time and energy make all the difference!
How much time jobs require varies from a few hours to a few days in October. Help is needed working in the FHFF Office, at the Gala, and at all film venues. To view all the possibilities, dates, and times needed, look up full details at Click on “VIEW OPPORTUNITIES” to read all the details.
The Festival provides training and support. In return for volunteer hours, people earn film tickets for both the In-Theatre & On-Demand Festivals. In addition, volunteers receive a free FHFF 10th-anniversary t-shirt and hat. Following the festival, all will be invited to a thank-you party, the Volunteer Appreciation Bash.
Pick up your copy of the 2022 Friday Harbor Film Festival’s 60-page program free at the FHFF office’s outside rack (10 First St., Friday Harbor), in island businesses, and on all Washington State ferries.
Make plans to participate in this year’s Festival as a volunteer and as a filmgoer.
Passes are available on the website for both the In-Theatre and the On-Demand Festivals. Click below for details.